Designers - Simon G.

"Growing up, my parents handed down the values of honest, hard work to all their children. We were taught that if you could build something with your hands, you’d never go hungry.
When I first came to America, I had $200 in my pocket and a dream of going to college to be an engineer. But when I tried to sign up for classes in New York, they were thousands of dollars! I couldn’t afford that. Luckily, I had a relative working in the diamond district who invited me to work there and save up for school. I started setting diamonds, and soon fell in love with the process, artistry, and details of jewelry making.
Before long, what started as a hobby became a passion. I began making my own designs in my spare time and saving up for more jewelry making materials instead of classes. I went door to door, selling my designs. At one point, I visited Southern California for a vacation, and never returned! I fell in love with the weather, the city, and also met my wife there!