Happy birthday to everyone born in April! Your birthstone is the diamond which is at least 3 billion years old. Diamonds form about 100 miles below ground and get carried to the surface by deep volcanic eruptions. Diamonds are nearly 100% made of carbon. The word diamond comes from the Greek word 'adamas' which means invincible, which is appropriate since diamonds are considered one of the hardest natural substance.

Forevermark loose diamond

When picking a diamond the 4c's are important to remember: carat, color, clarity, and cut. The carat weight (ct) is a measurement of how much a diamond weighs. The word carat comes from the carob seed, the original unity of measure for diamond traders. Today a carat is equal to exactly 0.2 grams. The diamond color actually means the lack of color; graded from D-Z (D being colorless). Clarity of a diamond refers to the absence of internal characteristics called 'inclusions' and external characteristics called 'blemishes.' A diamonds cut unleashes its light, we often think of the cut as the shape (round, heart, oval, marquise, pear), but it is really about how the diamond's facets interact with light.

Diamonds are remarkably durable and resist to scratching but they are not indestructible and can be damaged. Clean your diamond with warm water, mild soap and a soft toothbrush or by briefly dipping in a commercial cleaning solution, you can also wipe it with a lint-free cloth.

At McCaskill & Company in Destin, Florida we have so many options when looking for a diamond from Forevermark, HeartStar, Kwiat, Louis Glick, and many more. Stop in or call today to let us help you find the perfect diamond to meet your wants and needs.

These facts were taken from GIA