You see all the glitz and glamour when you enjoy designer jewelry, but have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes. We enjoy stopping by to visit the workshop when we are in New York. It is a fascinating world! Oscar Heyman recently shared some their summer activities from stone sourcing to shooting the fall catalog that all are a part of making some of the world's most beautiful jewelry.
Behind the Scenes
"Summer is in full swing. It's the time of vacations at the beach; in the mountains; days spent with family and friends. At Oscar Heyman, we do all that and more. It's a time of travels to exotic lands to source the best quality stones we can find. Days are spent designing and handcrafting new pieces for our fall collection. It's during the summer months that creative minds and talents come together to produce the Oscar Heymen 2013 catalogue.

Oscar Heyman Studio
Sourcing Stones
This summer, a team from Oscar Heyman travelled to Southeast Asia and explored Colombo, Sri Lanka and Bangkok, Thailand in search of stones and inspiration for new jewelry.
In the Workshop
The beauty and quality of the stones, beauty found in nature, and often ideas from the clients themselves are the inspiration for Oscar Heyman's wonderfully ingenious jewelry. We envision a design, it is sketched and then a wax layout is made. Once the design is perfected, the piece is hand-crafted by Oscar Heyman's own team of jewelry makers.
Oscar Heyman's 2013 Catalog Shoot
It's due out late fall - just in time for holiday shopping -- and we cannot wait to show off our many new designs. A talented photographer with a vision; a visionary designer with a creative eye; the Oscar Heyman team and exquisite jewelry -- all ingredients for a beautiful catalogue. Here is a sneak peek! "
McCaskill & Company has been honored to feature incredible pieces from Oscar Heyman for almost 20 years. Since the family company was started in 1912, its foundation has been dedicated to creating some of the world's most beautiful jewelry by superior craftsmen. You can see why Oscar Heyman has earned the distinction of being as classic and high-quality as any jewelry could be. Visit our gallery between Destin and Sandestin to enjoy these magnificent creations!