There is no gem like rubies!
The ruby is the gemstone for those born in the month of July. Ruby is also the gem for fifteenth and fortieth year anniversaries.
Ruby is the member of the corundum mineral family, which also includes sapphire. The rubies color can vary from a pink to blood red gemstone. The ruby derives its color from the presence of the element chromium. Rubies are one of the most valuable gemstones. It is also one of the most durable gemstones with a 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness. The brightest and most valuable rubies are described as pigeon blood red, red with a purplish tint. Rubies can command the most price per carat, making the ruby one of the most valued gem in the colored stones .
The name ruby comes from the Latin word ruber, which means “red.” The glowing red of ruby suggested an inextinguishable flame burning in the stone, even shining through clothing and able to boil water. The ruby is associated with intense emotions like love, passion and anger. It is also associated with passion and desire.

Oscar Heyman Ruby and Diamond Floral Brooch
Early cultures associated rubies with the color of blood that flowed through their veins and held the power of life. The ancient Hindus believed that rubies enabled their owners to live with peace among their enemies. Ancient Hindus believed that that offering the stone to the God Krishna were granted re-birth as emperors.
People in India believed that rubies gave their owner the ability to live in peace among their enemies. Warriors in Burma (a ruby source since 600 AD-now called Myanmar), inserted rubies into their flesh to make them invincible in battle. In some Eastern cultures, rubies were laid beneath the foundation of buildings to secure good fortune to the structure.
The Sanskrit word for ruby is ratnaraj, which means the king of gemstones. Rubies and royalty have been linked together for centuries. King Louis X!V declared the ruby the gemstone for kings! Some of the most famous rubies have been set in crown jewels. . Rubies have been featured in the finest crown jewels and prized by both Kings and Queens in several countries.

Crown of Louis X!V
Below the crown jewels of Therese Queen of Bavaria (1849-1919).

Queen Theresa of Bavaria
Ruby is one of the most historically significant colored stones. Rubies are mentioned four times in the Bible, in association with attributes like beauty and wisdom. The ruby has been called the most precious of the twelve stones created by God.
Ruby retained its importance with the birth of the western world and became one of the most sought-after gems of European royalty and the upper classes. Many medieval Europeans wore rubies to guarantee health, wealth, wisdom, and success in love.
Desire for ruby is just as great today as it always has been. As a symbol of passion, ruby makes an ideal romantic gift. Consumers are drawn to the lush color because it also signifies wealth and success.
Famous Rubies
One of the largest and finest ruby gemstones is the Burmese ruby. It is housed in a platinum setting with diamonds. The ruby measures 23.1 carats.. The ring was donated to the Smithsonian Institute by Philanthropist Peter Buck in memory of his late wife Carmen Lucia. This ruby displays a rich red color with exceptional transparency.

Burmese Ruby
The Liberty Bell Ruby is the largest mined ruby in the world. It was found in east Africa in the 1950’s. It weighs four pounds, is eight and a half thousand carats and is sculptured in the of the Liberty Bell. It is set with fifty diamonds and is valued at two million dollars. It was being held on behalf of a foundation at a jewelry store in Delaware and was stolen in a jewelry heist in 2011.

Liberty Bell Ruby
One of the most famous rubies is actually a red spinel. It is called the Black Prince’s Ruby, weighing close to 170 carats and sits in the center of the Imperial State Crown. It is one of the oldest Crown jewels in the United Kingdom. It dates back to the mid 14th century when it was given to its namesake, Edward of Woodstock, known as the “Black Prince. It is worn in the Portrait of the Coronation of Queen Victoria by George Hayter. The crown was designed by the Crown Jewelers Rundell and Bridge with 3093 gems.

Black Prince's Ruby
Elizabeth Taylor was given a ruby and diamond necklace by her third husband, Mike Todd. She was quoted to say,”He was holding a red leather box, and inside was a ruby necklace, which glittered in the warm light. It was like the sun, lit up and made of red fire.” - Elizabeth Taylor. The necklace was designed by Cartier and was eventually auctioned for $3,778,500.

Diamond and Ruby Necklace
The Rosser Reeves Star Ruby is considered the finest and largest star ruby. It weighs 138.7 carats, and the stoner is
clear almost translucent with a six rayed star.
This star ruby was found at the Sri Lankan mines. It was named after Mr. Rosser Reeves who
donated the ruby. It is housed at the
Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C.

Rosser Reeves Ruby
Ruby was the color of choice for Dorothy’s famous ruby red slippers in the Wizard of Oz. The original pair were dyed red, then covered in burgundy sequined organza. The bows were made with three red glass jewels with dark red bugle beads and red glass rhinestones.
One of the An original pair of ruby slippers used in The Wizard of Oz, on display at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C.

Dorothy's Ruby Slippers
Dorothy was not the only women to wear a pair of ruby slippers. One of our featured designers, Oscar Heyman did a collaboration with Stuart Weitzman to design these fabulous ruby slippers valued at $1.2 million dollars.
Oscar Heyman collaborated with Stuart Weitzman to create these ruby slippers valued at $1.2 million.

Oscar Heyman Ruby Slippers
The love for rubies is as great today as it always has been. The ruby has been a symbol of love, passion and enduring love, making it an ideal romantic gift. Many ruby engagement rings have been given as that symbol of love. No wonder the ruby is one of the most popular and valued gemstones today!

Oscar Heyman Ruby
We love this ruby and diamond engagement ring by Oscar Heyman!