Designers - Gurhan

Gurhan is renowned for pioneering the revival of 24 K gold and propelling it into popularity as a metal for contemporary fine jewelry design. Gurhan Orhan was creative with his hands long before he turned to crafting jewelry: whether designing and making audio equipment or restoring old Swiss watches into are pieces his attention to details was evident. It was when a fellow watchmaker handed him a sheet of pure 24 karat gold that Gurhan first fell in love with its warmth, richness, and texture. Compelled to work with pure gold, he settled into a tiny workshop in Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar, where he was determined to recreate the techniques of the earliest metal smiths. By studying ancient examples of pure gold metalwork, Gurhan was able to discover how these artist had achieved the strength and lightness that enabled them to turn pure gold into jewelry. Gurhan maintained the authenticity of his craft by also recreating the ancient wooden and bone tools of the earlier artist.