Ever wondered who makes the fresh chocolate cookies every day, wraps your beautiful packages or makes sure that McCaskill & Company is sparkling. Meet Kimberly who must be one of the most cheerful, energetic and positive individuals on the planet!

Kim came to us from Dothan, Alabama (5th generation) eight years ago
Briefly describe yourself: I am the work horse in the bunch. Everybody knows the busier I am the happier. My number one priority is Kennedy (my daughter) finishing college. I love my family. The older I get the more time is precious to me. Easter is my favorite holiday. I hate disappointing people and I hate rainy cold days.
Your favorite part of working for McCaskill & Company: Mollie, Addy, Sophie and Lilly (the pups)
What do you do for fun? I love getting up early every morning and running during sunrise.
What is your favorite thing to do? Family reunions
Where would you like to travel? Ireland, but I like to vacation here.
Most people would be surprised if they knew: Every year I get a bad case of Spring Fever.