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Paraiba VS. Paraiba-Type Tourmaline - What is the Difference?

The captivating hues of Paraíba and Paraíba-type tourmaline continue to rise in popularity, however many people are curious about the difference between Paraíba and Paraíba-type tourmaline (also referred to as...

Paraiba Tourmalines: the fascinating story of a rare gem

From the Brazilian state of Paraiba, neon-bright Paraiba tourmalines are one of the most sought-after gems in the world. 19 January 2016 by CLAIRE ROBERTS / The Jewellery Editor In...

2015: Trend Setting

Arizona Gem & Jewelry Week was held February 3rd through 8th in Tucson, and we are thrilled to report back on some of the four trends announced at the show...

Rare Beauty

At McCaskill & Company, we love to show our customers jewels they may not have encountered before. One of Bill Campbell's very favorites gems is Paraiba Tourmaline. He says: "No...